Monday 11 September 2017

What is Inventory ? And its type or Objective of inventory?

Inventory control is of great importance in order to ensure smooth and uninterrupted production. Inventories refer to those items, which are either stocked for sale or they are in the process of manufacturing or they are in the form of materials, which are yet to be utilized. It takes time for transforming raw material into final products and it varies from industries to industries depending upon the cycle time of manufacture. Thus, it is necessary to hold inventories of various kinds to maintain balance between supply and demand for efficient operation of the system.

Reason for keeping inventories

It helps to stabilize production:
The demand for an item fluctuates because of the number of  factors, e.g., seasonality, production schedule etc. The inventories (raw materials and components) should be made available to the production as per the demand failing which results in stock out and the production stoppage takes place for want of materials. Hence, the inventory is kept to take care of this fluctuation so that the production is smooth.

It helps in taking advantage of price discounts: Usually the manufacturers offer discount for bulk buying and to gain this price advantage the materials are bought in bulk even though it is not required immediately. Thus, inventory is maintained to gain economy in purchasing.

It helps to meet the demand during the replenishment period: The lead time for procurement of materials depends upon many factors like location of the source, demand supply condition, etc. So inventory is maintained to meet the demand during the procurement (replenishment) period.

To avoid over stocking and under stocking of inventory

It helps to keep pace with changing market conditions:
The organizations have to anticipate the changing market sentiments and they have to stock materials in anticipation of non-availability of materials or sudden increase in prices. 

Inventory Control - Objectives, Benefits

Inventory control is a planned approach of determining what to order, when to order and how much to order and how much to stock so that costs associated with buying and storing are optimal without interrupting production and sales.

Classification of Inventories - Inventory Types

Inventories are classified in different categories:
1. Production Inventories : Items which go into the final products raw materials and bought out components.

2. Maintenance, Repair and Operating Inventories : Items which do not form a part of final product but are consumed in a prod. Processes, spare parts, Consumable items etc.
3. In Process Inventories : Work-in-progress items which are partly manufactured and await the next stage in process.

4. Finished Goods Inventories: completed products ready for dispatch.

5. Miscellaneous Inventories : Which arise out of the above four types of inventory scrap, surplus and obsolete items which are not to be disposed off. Inventories are also classified as :

  • Transit Inventory/Pipe line inventory : Transit inventory exist between factory & place of supply or between & factory. e.g. Coal, iron ores etc.
  • Buffer inventory/Safety Stock Inventory/Fluctuation Inventory : These are the inventories maintained to adjust with variation in demand & supply.
  • Anticipation Inventory : These inventories are maintained to adjust with sudden change in demand ( e.g. seasonal products ). This will avoid idle or shut downs & resource utilization can be increased.
  • Decoupling Inventories : Same as in process inventories to ensure smooth & uniform work flow.
  • Cycle Inventories/Lot size Inventories : These are maintained wherever the user makes or purchases material in larger lots than are needed for his immediate.

    Classification of Inventories - Inventory Types

    Inventories are classified in different categories:
    1. Production Inventories : Items which go into the final products raw materials and bought out components.

    2. Maintenance, Repair and Operating Inventories : Items which do not form a part of final product but are consumed in a prod. Processes, spare parts, Consumable items etc.
    3. In Process Inventories : Work-in-progress items which are partly manufactured and await the next stage in process.

    4. Finished Goods Inventories: completed products ready for dispatch.

    5. Miscellaneous Inventories : Which arise out of the above four types of inventory scrap, surplus and obsolete items which are not to be disposed off. Inventories are also classified as :

    • Transit Inventory/Pipe line inventory : Transit inventory exist between factory & place of supply or between & factory. e.g. Coal, iron ores etc.
    • Buffer inventory/Safety Stock Inventory/Fluctuation Inventory : These are the inventories maintained to adjust with variation in demand & supply.
    • Anticipation Inventory : These inventories are maintained to adjust with sudden change in demand ( e.g. seasonal products ). This will avoid idle or shut downs & resource utilization can be increased.
    • Decoupling Inventories : Same as in process inventories to ensure smooth & uniform work flow.
    • Cycle Inventories/Lot size Inventories : These are maintained wherever the user makes or purchases material in larger lots than are needed for his immediate.

      Basics of Inventory Management - Inventory Control

      Inventory control is of great importance in order to ensure smooth and uninterrupted production. Inventories refer to those items, which are either stocked for sale or they are in the process of manufacturing or they are in the form of materials, which are yet to be utilized. It takes time for transforming raw material into final products and it varies from industries to industries depending upon the cycle time of manufacture. Thus, it is necessary to hold inventories of various kinds to maintain balance between supply and demand for efficient operation of the system.

      Reason for keeping inventories

      It helps to stabilize production:
      The demand for an item fluctuates because of the number of  factors, e.g., seasonality, production schedule etc. The inventories (raw materials and components) should be made available to the production as per the demand failing which results in stock out and the production stoppage takes place for want of materials. Hence, the inventory is kept to take care of this fluctuation so that the production is smooth.

      It helps in taking advantage of price discounts: Usually the manufacturers offer discount for bulk buying and to gain this price advantage the materials are bought in bulk even though it is not required immediately. Thus, inventory is maintained to gain economy in purchasing.

      It helps to meet the demand during the replenishment period: The lead time for procurement of materials depends upon many factors like location of the source, demand supply condition, etc. So inventory is maintained to meet the demand during the procurement (replenishment) period.

      To avoid over stocking and under stocking of inventory

      It helps to keep pace with changing market conditions:
      The organizations have to anticipate the changing market sentiments and they have to stock materials in anticipation of non-availability of materials or sudden increase in prices.

      Inventory Control - Objectives, Benefits

      Inventory control is a planned approach of determining what to order, when to order and how much to order and how much to stock so that costs associated with buying and storing are optimal without interrupting production and sales.

      Objectives of Inventory Control

      1. To ensure adequate supply of products to customer and avoid shortages as far as possible.

      2. To make sure that the financial investment in inventories is minimum (i.e., to see that the working capital is blocked to the minimum possible extent).
      3. Efficient purchasing, storing, consumption and accounting for materials is an important objective.

      4. To maintain timely record of inventories of all the items and to maintain the stock within the desired limits

      5. To ensure timely action for replenishment.

      6. To provide a reserve stock for variations in lead times of delivery of materials.

      7. To provide a scientific base for both short-term and long-term planning of materials.

      Benefits or Advantages of Inventory Control

      It is an established fact that through the practice of scientific inventory control, following are the benefits of inventory control:

      1. Improvement in customer’s relationship because of the timely delivery of goods and service.

      2. Smooth and uninterrupted production and, hence, no stock out.

      3. Efficient utilization of working capital.

      4. Helps in minimizing losses due to deterioration, obsolescence damage and pilferage.

      5. Economy in purchasing.

      6. Eliminates the possibility of duplicate ordering.

Objectives of Inventory Control

1. To ensure adequate supply of products to customer and avoid shortages as far as possible.

2. To make sure that the financial investment in inventories is minimum (i.e., to see that the working capital is blocked to the minimum possible extent).
3. Efficient purchasing, storing, consumption and accounting for materials is an important objective.

4. To maintain timely record of inventories of all the items and to maintain the stock within the desired limits

5. To ensure timely action for replenishment.

6. To provide a reserve stock for variations in lead times of delivery of materials.

7. To provide a scientific base for both short-term and long-term planning of materials.

Benefits or Advantages of Inventory Control

It is an established fact that through the practice of scientific inventory control, following are the benefits of inventory control:

1. Improvement in customer’s relationship because of the timely delivery of goods and service.

2. Smooth and uninterrupted production and, hence, no stock out.

3. Efficient utilization of working capital.

4. Helps in minimizing losses due to deterioration, obsolescence damage and pilferage.

5. Economy in purchasing.

6. Eliminates the possibility of duplicate ordering.


  1. Inventory Management Software For Your Business| ERP Gold
    Need Robust Inventory Management Solution for Your Business? Our Intelligent Inventory Management Software simplify your overall inventory management process saving your time, money and efforts.
    Below are the features that our software encompasses:
    Manage Inventory
    Integrate with current barcode systems or manually administer your master inventory list. It is an Easy Inventory Management software solution.
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    • Management of inventory with current barcode system
    Additional Features that ERP Gold Inventory software offers :
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