Thursday, 23 March 2017

What is Job Analysis in HRM?

 Job Analysis in HRM

Job analysis is the systematic study of the components of jobs to be done. It formally studies the tasks related to job. This means job analysis studies the activities associated with the job.
It also studies skills, knowledge, experience and qualification required to accomplish the job more effectively. Job analysis thus, is the systematic process of collecting information regarding the tasks to be accomplished and minimum qualification required in employees to accomplish the assigned task. Job analysis describes about the job description and job specification. Job analysis is the basis of recruitment and selection. It provides the information regarding job activities to be done by employees, machinery to be used to accomplish the job, supervision requirement to the job, skills and qualification required to do the job more effectively. These information helps to search right man at right job.

In conclusion, job analysis is the systematic process of collecting job related information to define duties, responsibilities and accountability. At the same time, it is the act of defining minimum skills, qualification, experience and expertise required for the job. Outcomes of job analysis are job description, job specification and job performance standards.

Purpose of Job Analysis in HRM:

Job analysis is the basis of organizational existence. It provides required information for recruitment, selection and performance appraisal. Main purpose of job analysis are as follows:

To prepare job Description:

Job analysis studies and identifies job components to be done i.e. job description by identifying and specifying the activities and duties to be done by employees. Job description is the profile of the job requirement. It describes the job content, environment, machinery required relationship of job with others and job conditions. Job description includes job title, job summary, job location, job characteristics duties, etc. This written statement is prepared only with the help of information provided by job analysis. So, one of the major purpose of job analysis is to prepare job description.

To prepare job specification:

Job specification is the written statement or profile or document of human skills, qualification, experience and behavior required for the job to perform it more effectively. It gives guidelines for selecting the employees by providing specification regarding skills required to the job. It describes the human resources that will best fit for the job. Such information can be obtained through job analysis. 

To determine performance standard:

Job standard is the minimum standard (in terms of quality and quantity) of the job to be performed. It is the minimum expected output of the job and hence of employees. Job analysis provides the basic quality or the standard of the job to be done. This becomes basis of performance appraisal and reward management.

To facilitate job evaluation:

Job evaluation is the comparison of current job done and basic standard of the job expected to be done. It is essential to carry out the control activities in case of lower performance. Job analysis provides the information for job evaluation which is the basis of the reward and compensation management.

For job design and redesign:

On the basis of job analysis, job design and redesign becomes possible. Components of jobs can be added or removed to make them more scientific, systematic and challenging. Job redesign is the most important factor for employee motivation. 

To prepare human resource plan:

Human resource plan is prepared on the basis of updated information supplied by HRIS and HR inventory. Job analysis provides information regarding job and employees which helps to plan about human resource in the area of succession planning, career growth, training and development, maintenance etc.

To maintain good labor relations:

Job analysis studies about the job. It prepares the information regarding the job content, skills and qualification required for the job and basic standard output expected from the job. It provides the basis of differentiation of job from the other. This helps to design the scientific and competitive reward system. This also provides the information regarding job content and context. This helps to maintain good labor relation. 

Job Analysis Process in HRM:

Job analysis is the most important human resource function which provides information for design job scientifically and systematically. In this ground, job should be distinct, systematic and scientific which should be source of motivation to the employees. For this, job analysis should be effective. An effective job analysis consists of following steps:

Collection of Background Information:

In this first step of job analysis process, we need to collect various information supporting to the job. Such information can be components of job, its relation to other jobs and its requirements. Such information can be obtained from organization charts, specification and the existing job descriptions. Observation of supervisors and managers while working the employees can be other important source of background information. Such information can also be collected by means of interview with employees, filling up questionnaire, critical incidents, etc. Such information are then used to prepare organizational chart, position description, specifications, procedures, manuals and process charts which are used to select the representative position.

Selection of Representative position:

In this step, major or key representative positions are selected to analyze. It is costly, tedious and time consuming to analyze all the jobs at a time. Therefore, job analysts choose the most essential and appropriate job position to analyze. From this, tentative job requirement and specifications are identified for each job. 

Collection of Job Analysis Data:

After determining the representative positions for job analysis, various information related to that job like features of the job, activities related with job, task and responsibilities, qualifications, skills and experience require to accomplish the job, expected employee behavior, traits and qualities, etc. are collected. This can be done with the help of current employees, supervisors or specialist or group efforts. For collecting information, analysts can use questionnaire, interview or observation method.

Developing a job description:

The information collected in above step are listed in logical form to develop a job description. All the tasks, activities or responsibilities related to job are listed in job description. This means job description is the written statements that describe the main features of the job as well as the activities associated with the job. 

Developing a Job Specification:

Finally, job specification is prepared from the job analysis. Job specification is the summary of job requirement which clearly states about the personal qualities, traits, skills, experience, qualification and other background of person necessary to fit the job. Job specification is the basis for recruitment and selection of right man at right job. Job description and specification are supplement documents to be published while announcing vacancies.  

Collecting Job Analysis Information (Process)

Job analysis is the systematic study of jobs to be done in the organization. This consists of collection of job related information and analysis. Job related information are the basis of effectiveness of the job analysis. Quality of information determines the effectiveness of the job analysis. Information collection consists of following steps:

A. Understanding the Purpose of Job Analysis:

Before identifying the information required for job analysis, analyst should be clear about the purpose of job analysis. Job analysis can have single or multiple purpose. Some important purposes of job analysis can be:
  • For human resource planning
  • For human resource recruitment and selection
  • For determining the basis of duties, responsibilities and authority
  • For human resource training and development
  • For determining performance appraisal system
  • For establishing compensation management system
  • For establishing competitive pay structure

B. Identifying position for Job analysis:

Different positions consists of varieties of job characteristics and hence the require the different information to analyze them. So, analyst should first identify the required position for job analysis. 

C. Identifying Information required:

Garbage of information does not support for job analysis. For effective job analysis, only the required and useful information should be collected. Job analyst should therefore identify such information. Job information can be:

1. Work oriented activities:

Such information are related about what workers need to do. Such information can be as follows:
  • Specific tasks or activities involved in job
  • Procedures used to perform activities
  • Complexity of activities and their timing
  • Personal responsibility
  • Hazards of discomforts of job, etc.

    2. Worker oriented activities:

    Worker related information are related about the qualities, abilities and qualification of employees. Such information explain about how the job can be performed. Following information are worker oriented information:
  • Nature of operations, movements, handling, lifting, walking, driving, looking, etc. 
  • Communication, decision making, leading, supervision, initiation, motivation etc.  

3. Machine and material relation information:

These information are related with what employees need to work. They can be:
  • What machines are required to use?
  • What types of equipments and tools are required to use?
  • What types of materials are required to use?
  • What special skills, knowledge and experience are required to use materials, equipments, tools and machines? etc. 

4. Job context related information:

Job context information are related with job environment. They can be:
  • Physical condition of working environment
  • Work schedule and work flow
  • Work motivation including incentives and benefits
  • Interactions required with people and organization

5. Personal attributes:

Personal attributes of employees at the job are collected under this heading. Following information are considered important for job analysis:
  • Academic qualification, experience, skills, training required
  • Aptitude and social skills
  • Physical strength

6. Performance appraisal standard:

Performance standards are the minimum expected level of the output of employees. Information regarding performance level are other important information for job analysis. There can be following information regarding performance appraisal:
  • Quantity output i.e. standard quantity
  • Quality output i.e. standard quality
  • Time output i.e. standard time

D. Identifying sources of information:

After identifying the required information for job analysis, analysis should identify the source of information. To get the information for job following different sources of information can be used:


Employees performing jobs to be analyzed. 


Supervisors who supervise the jobs to be analyzed.

Independent experts:

Independent experts having full experience in job design and job analysis. 

Job review committee:

Committee of Human resource department, industrial engineering department, Labor union. 

Non Human resources:

Job description, job specification, past records, films or documentary, training manuals published literature, etc.

E. Choosing the method for information collection:

There can be various methods for collecting information to analyze jobs. On the basis of sensitivity of information, availability of information tools to use to collect information, etc., job analysts can choose the best method. Following methods can be used to collect information:
  • Observation method
  • Interview method
  • Questionnaire method
  • Dairy method
  • Technical conference method

F. Collecting required information:

After selecting the appropriate method for collecting information, analysts collect information by themselves or by using reliable agent. Raw information should be gathered in a format. 

G. Checking the accuracy of information:

After collecting the information, their accuracy should be checked. After assuring the accuracy of information, jobs are analyzed. 

Methods for collecting Job Analysis Information in HRM:

We can collect information for job analysis by using various methods. On the basis of availability of information, degree of sensitivity of information, nature and attitude of collectors, etc. analyst can choose one or more methods among the following to collect information for job analysis:

1. Observation Method:

Observation is the method in which analyst or information collector watches keenly to the activities of employees or movements of machinery and equipments. From this method, first hand information can be obtained as collector or analyst gets visual impression. Observer involves himself closely and observes the activities, machines, equipments, materials, working condition, hazards, coordination and cooperation. This increases the reliability of information. 

Advantages of observation method:

  • It is simple to administer. 
  • It helps to get first hand information.
  • Reliability of information will be high. 
  • It is less time consuming method. 
  • It is cost effective method. 

 Disadvantages of observation method:

  • Information may be distorted if employees are pre-informed. 
  • All information may not be observed at less time period. 
  • Managerial jobs may not be observed quickly. 
  • Observation may affect the work outputs. 

2. Interview method:

Interview is the face to face interaction between employees and job analyst to get the job analysis information. Under this method, analysts talk with employees and supervisors or ask them questions regarding job in their presence at work place. Check list of questions can be used to collect information to make interview more effective.

Advantages of Interview Method:

  • Employees get the opportunity to give explanation. So, the information will be more reliable and accurate. 
  • Misconception of observation can be reduced. 
  • Detail information regarding the job can be collected. 
  • Check list provides the guideline to get the required information. 

Disadvantages of Interview Method:

  • This method is costly and time consuming.  
  • Information may be distorted by employees. 

3. Questionnaire Method:

Questionnaire is the set of questions to be asked to the respondent to get information. Under this method, analyst prepares a set of questions to collect information. Such set of questions is sent to the employees. Employees return questionnaire form after filling up at their ease. This method is also called survey method. Questionnaire is normally prepared with multiple choice questions. Some questions can be open ended questions. But open ended questions becomes difficult to administer. 

Advantages of Questionnaire method:

  •  This method is suitable to collect information from the large number of employees. 
  • Employees can provide information at their convenient situation. This saves the time. 
  • Employees provide information regarding sensitive questions as well. 
  • This method is less time consuming and less costly. 
  • Information from different jobs can be collected at a time. 
  • Information for the managerial effectiveness can also be collected effectively as employees can provide information without writing their name. 

Disadvantages of Questionnaire method:

  • Questionnaire may be misunderstood because of which wrong response may be obtained. 
  • Response may be misinterpreted which leads to the wrong conclusion. 
  • Non response rate of employees remains high. 
  • Chance of gibing response randomly remains high which reduces accuracy of job analysis.

    4. Dairy Method:

    Under this dairy method, employees are requested to write diary for their daily job activities. Employees are expected to make entry of all the incidents, accidents, major activities, coordination from different jobs, etc. Analysts later study the diary of each employee and summarize the required information. 

    Advantages of diary method: 

  • This method is economical and feasible to all level employees. 
  • This is simple method as employees can write diary in their own way. 

 Disadvantages of Diary method:

  • Majority employee do not write diary in regular basis. So, information may be incomplete. 
  • All employees may not self responsible to write the actual information. They may write according to their perception. 
  • Information sorting and refining becomes too difficult. 
  • This method is time consuming. 

5. Technical conference method:

Under technical conference method, specialists in job analysis, experienced employees, technicians and extensive knowledge of the jobs are requested to attend the seminar or conference. From the discussion, all relevant information are recorded. Such information are more realistic and factual. 
Advantages of technical conference method:
  • Information from expert specialists can be obtained. 
  • Job information can be filtered at ease. 
 Disadvantages of technical conference method:
  • This is expensive method.
  • Because of lack of participation of employees, there is the possibility of less correct information. 

Job Analysis Techniques in HRM:

At it is established that job analysis is the process of studying job content and context so that it facilitates to find the job requirement and skills requirements. It helps to find the right man at right job. It provides the job satisfaction and motivation to employees. So, job analysis should be accurate and scientific. There are number of techniques or methods of job analysis. Job analysis techniques can be different for different purposes, organizations and contexts. For the purpose of simplicity, they can be grouped under two broad categories and Job focused techniques and person or behavior focused techniques as below:

A. Job Focused Techniques:

Job analysis can be conducted by focusing only to the job dimensions i.e. task to be done. Such techniques are categorized under job focused techniques. Job focused techniques thus, give high priority to the tasks or activities to accomplish for the job analysis. There are following four most popular methods of job analysis under job focused techniques:

1. Functional job analysis:

Functional job analysis method describes the nature of jobs in terms of people, data and the things. It prepares job summaries, job descriptions and job specification. This technique first time was developed by department of labor, United States of America. This method aims to provide a standardized method by which different jobs can be quantitatively rated, classified and compared as depicted earlier. The core emphasis of this method is a rating of each job in terms of what an incumbent does with respect to data, people and thins. This technique was designed to improve job placement and counseling for workers who register for employment at local state employment at local state employment officers. This method is being one of the most popular methods of job analysis in private and government organization. Functional job analysis considers following important fundamental assumptions:
  • Jobs are concerned with data, people and things
  • All jobs require rating data, people and thins with the worker to some degree. 
  • The function appropriate to dealing with data, people or things is hierarchical and ordinal, proceeding from complex to the simple. 
 U.S department of labor (1977) has suggested three main functions of a clerical employee. Data consists of six elements, people related function consists of eight elements and things consists seven elements. Each of these functions concentrated at work.

2. Management position description questionnaire method:

Under this method, highly structured questionnaire containing 197 items are prepared to collect the information regarding managerial responsibilities, restriction, demand and other miscellaneous position characteristics. Information collected by collecting responses from questionnaire are analyzed and concluded for the responsibilities to be conducted, accountability required, authority demand, skills and qualification required to accomplish the responsibility effectively and efficiently. This method is frequently used to evaluate managerial jobs, determine the training needs of employees moving into managerial jobs, and determine compensation system for managerial jobs. This method further helps in succession planning.

3. The Hay Plan:

Hay plan is the method of job analysis which collects information regarding nature and scope of position. Hay plan provides basis of job comparison within and outside the organization. This assists in establishing reward system in organization to make equitable. Hay plan is similar to management position description questionnaire but less structured. This method covers following five important aspects:
  • How does the position fit into the organization?
  • What is the general composition of supporting staff in the organization?
  • What can be the general nature of the technical, managerial and human relationship technique required?
  • What is the nature of problem solving knowledge required for the job position?
  • What is the nature of control and supervisory requirements in a specific managerial job? 
This method specifies each job in terms of its function, nature, managerial relationship, technical aspects, knowledge required for solving problem, need of control and supervision at job, etc.

4. Methods of Analysis:

Irrespective to traditional job analysis procedures, this method concentrates on the method to be used to do the jobs effectively and efficiently. Traditional methods concentrate mainly on describing the job elements and general duties but they do not discuss about how to do the job more effectively and efficiently as possible. Method analysis fulfills this gap. Method analysis is basically applied to non managerial jobs. This technique focuses on the following principles:
  • Balancing movements of two hands
  • Doing productive work and reducing idle time
  • Trying to reduce muscular effort
  • Locate all tools and materials for proper application
  • Scientific tools and techniques to use for efficient and effective job done
  • Coordination required between employees

B. Person or Behavior Focused Techniques:

These techniques focuses on the behavior or personal traits of the employees desired in job. In this method, personal characteristics, abilities and potentialities of persons desired to fit at job are analyzed. There are different techniques under behavior focused techniques which primarily specify person oriented content of jobs. Some common behavior focused techniques to analyze the job are described below:

i. Position analysis questionnaire:

In this method questionnaire is used as an instrument to collect information regarding job position. It is highly specialized instrument used for analyzing job in terms of employee activities. This method focuses human characteristics, tasks and technological factors. PAQ contains 194 job dimensions. These elements are grouped into six general categories. Each job element is also rated on one of six rating scales. 

This method focuses more on quantitative information relating job and person. It can be used to analyze almost every job. This method provides basis of comparison of different jobs. For effective. PAQ, trained and qualified persons are required.

ii. Physical ability analysis: 

Every job requires certain mental and physical abilities. Physical ability analysis method is basically concerned with the physical abilities. This method considers nine physical abilities of employees to be employed while analyzing the job. Complexities, coordination of organs, speed etc. are the areas of the job analysis under this method.

iii. The critical incident technique:

Different situations or incidents have to face by employees in their daily work life which they have to solve and make wise decision for the betterment of organization. So, such situation or events that may have to face by employees at different jobs. Thinking this as the price concern, CIT utilizes actual or critical incidents or events like extreme behavior, outstanding, effective or ineffective efforts while attending general job activities. This means jobs are evaluated and analyzed on the basis of some critical information from job. Such information are collected from employees and supervisors. This method focuses on on the job behavior to describe their level of performance i.e. both high levels and low level performance. This technique collects the information regarding:
  • What led to the incident?
  • What exactly the employee did? 
  • What are the perceived consequences of the employee's behavior?
  • Whether or not, these consequences were within the control of the employee?
 Such information help to decide whether or not a particular person is capable of performing under the critical situations. This method also provides sufficient information for determining training need and establishing compensation system though this method focuses only on characteristics of employees.

iv. Guidelines oriented job analysis:

Guidelines oriented job analysis method determines the job elements which can be performed with same guidelines or instruction. The objective of GOJAS is to provide uniform guidelines to analyze the job. This method offers a realistic job description. With this method, we can develop job related selection procedures, performance appraisal forms and spotting training needs. In this method, job incumbents are involved in the job analysis process. Therefore, employe understanding and validity towards the job analysis can be enhanced. 

Outcomes of Job Analysis in HRM:

Job description, job specification and job evaluation are the major outcomes of job analysis. They are discussed below:

A. Job Description:

A job description is the written description or statement stating about the components of job assigned to the job holder. It provide the detail information regarding task, activities, responsibility, authority, etc. associated with the concern job. It makes the organization structure more clear, distinct and valuable by disintegrating the tasks to be done. Job description contains following information:

Components or contents of Job description:

A job description contains the following information regarding job:
i. Job identification or organizational position:
It includes the job title, alternative title, department, division and plant and code number of the job. It can be summarized as;
  • Job title
  • Job summary
  • Machines, tools, equipments, supervision required, hazards location duties
  • Material and forms to use
  • Working conditions or environment
ii. Job summary: 
Job summary is the theme of the job. This describes what is the job? and why is the job created? This means job summary includes two important elements of job i.e. what to do and how to do? This guides the employee about what they have to do and how?
iii. Job duties and responsibilities:
Job description gives a comprehensive list of the task or duties to be done. This section tells us about details of activities or task to accomplish. It also states the responsibilities related to money and machines, supervision and leadership of workers.
iv. Relation with other job:
Job description relates the job with higher and lower order jobs. This helps to establish the authority relationship by stating the job immediately below or above it in the job hierarchy. Such relationship gives ideas of the vertical work flow and accountability procedures.

v. Supervision:
Job description also states the need of supervision. This gives an idea for number of person to be supervised along with their job title and the extent of supervision involved.
vi. Machine, tools and equipment:
It defines major types of machine, tools and equipment to be used during the accomplishment of job.
vii. Working condition:
Job description also provides us information about the working environment and condition. Such conditions can be cold, heat, dust, wetness, moisture, fumes, proper light, inside organization or outside organization, work in group or alone, and other conditions.
viii. Hazards or risk:
Job description also provides information regarding possible risk or hazards required to bear while working.

Importance of Job Description:

  • Job description can be used as preliminary drafts to provide basic information to the productive groups for discussion. 
  • It can be used in the development of job specifications. 
  • It provides valuable information required in recruitment, selecting and planning training and development. 
  • It makes employees clear about their duties and responsibilities which motivate new employees. 
  • It is a basic document for setting performance standard. 
  • Job description can be used for job evaluation which helps in establishing reward and compensation system. 

B. Job Specification:

A job specification is a written statement of skill requirement to accomplish any particular job. This is a summary of minimum acceptable or desired human qualities at jobs. It describes what academic qualification, skills, experiences and expertise are necessary to perform job to meet the job standards. Therefore, it helps to decide what kind of people is to select for the particular job. Job description supplies information to make the selection decision. In simple sense, job specification is the translation of job description into the human skills, experience and qualification which are most essential for the successful performance of a job.

Contents of Job Specification:

i. Physical characteristics:
These describe quality of physical characteristics of potential employees like state of health, strength, age range, body size, height, weight, vision, voice, eye, hand and foot coordination and color discrimination.
ii. Psychological characteristics:
These describe the special aptitudes which include such qualities as, mechanical aptitude, judgmental ability, resourcefulness, analytical ability, mental concentration and alertness.
iii. Personal characteristics or traits:
These information include personal appearance, good and pleasing manners, emotional stability, aggressiveness or submissiveness, extroversion or introversion, leadership cooperativeness, initiative and drive, skills in dealing with other, sensory qualities of sight, smell, hearing, adaptability, conversational ability etc.
iv. Job skills:
Such information include skills, experience in related jobs, knowledge regarding the job, training and education in related field, etc.
v. Other features:
Other basic information like age, education, experience and language ability etc. may also be used. 

C. Job Evaluations:

Job evaluation is a systematic process of determining the value or worth of each job relation in other jobs. Job evaluations after the systematic analysis of job. Job evaluation is prepared to find the basis for ranking different job so that systematic and scientific pay structure can be designed. It provides the sufficient information for preparing job description and job specification. 

This is important document in human resource management system so that each job can be judged with greater accuracy. Job evaluation provides greater value to the complex job demanding higher skills, qualification and expertise and lower value to routine, demanding lower skills and qualification. This helps to provide greater compensation to the greater valued jobs and lower to the lower values jobs. This provides greater job satisfaction to employees. 

The relative worth of the job means relative value produced. Responsibility, skills, effort and working conditions are the factors which create value. During job evaluation, jobs are compared to each other in terms of skills required, working condition, effort required, qualification needed, coordination required with other jobs and peers and contribution to the entire organizational output. In fact, Job evaluations is the process of translating job in terms of monetary value. 

For our purpose, job evaluation is the systematic process of comparing each job to establish their worth. The basis of comparison of each job can be responsibility, authority, skills, efforts, coordination, qualification, experience and contribution to overall organizational performance. This is the foundation for compensation and reward management so that external and internal consistency can be maintained.

Objectives of Job Evaluation:

Job Evaluation has following specific objectives:
  • To establish the worth of each job in terms of other. 
  • To provide basic information to prepare job description and job specification.
  • To create fair and scientific compensation system. 
  • To make the wages and compensation system consistent internally and externally. 
  • To increase the value of each job. 
  • To establish the relation between jobs. 
  • Creating clarity in job responsibility, authority and accountability. 

Advantages or merits of Job Evaluation:

  • It helps to establish wage differentials rationally and systematically. 
  • This improves job satisfaction in the employees. 
  • It helps in bringing uniformity and judicious wages structure. 
  • It helps in job classification and work simplification. 

 Disadvantages or limitations of Job evaluation

  • It is based on judgment so it cannot be scientific. 
  • Factors applied to form job evaluation usually overlap so, their reliability becomes questionable. 
  • One of the output of job evaluation i.e compensation structure influences highly by market rate rather than job evaluation. 
  • It is not suitable to all organizations. This is applicable only to large enterprises like bank and financial institutions and multinational companies. 

 Job Analysis Practices in HRM:

  • Job analysis both in public and private organizations is out focused management function. 
  • Job description is common to all organizations though it is not scientific. Job description in almost all organization is vague and unclear. Many organizations do not provide job description to employees though they are prepared. 
  • Job specifications are normally prepared in all organizations. But, thy are prepared only for hiring employees. 
  • Job analysis is conducted with limited information. Job focused techniques are mostly applied. Behavior focused techniques are still neglected. 
  • Emerging human resource consultancies are creating awareness in the organizations for effective job analysis. Organizations therefore are using them for employee recruitment and selection, training and development, motivation and maintenance.


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