Monday 16 January 2017

What is Organization Development ?


What is Organization Development ?

A set up which brings together individuals from different backgrounds, varied interests and specializations on a common platform for them to work as a single unit and achieve certain predefined goals is called an organization.
An organization must make money for its survival. It is essential for the employees to deliver their level best and eventually increase the productivity of the organization.

What is Organization Development ?

Organization Development refers to the various ways and procedures to increase the productivity and effectiveness of an organization.
Organization Development includes the various techniques which help the employees as well as the organization adjust to changing circumstances in a better way.

Why Organization Development ?

  • The concept of Organization development enables the organization to achieve the targets and meet the objectives at a much faster rate.
  • The employees as a result of organization development respond better to changes in the work culture.
  • Organization development helps the employees to focus on their jobs and contribute in their best possible way.
  • Management can handle the employees in a better way as a result of organization development.
Kurt Lewin is ideally believed to be the father of Organization development.

When is the Organization Ready for Development ?

  1. First Step - Dissatisfied with the current scenario: The employees are not happy with the current scenario and feel the need for a change in the processes of the organization.
  2. Second Step - Suggesting Changes: In the second step, employees discuss amongst themselves the various options which would help the organization do better in the near future.
  3. Third Step - Applying the processes: Various policies and procedures are applied to help the organization respond to external as well as internal changes more effectively.

Understanding Organization

A six step model for understanding organization was proposed by Weisbord
The goals and objectives of the organization must be clearly defined. The employees must be aware of their duties and functions in the organization. The individuals must know what is expected out of them at the workplace.
It is essential to divide the work amongst the individuals as per their interests, specialization, experience and educational qualification. Job mismatch should be avoided as it leads to demotivated employees. Let the individuals decide what best they can do.
The employees must share a cordial relationship with each other. Conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings lead to a negative ambience at the workplace. There should be coordination between various departments for better results. Transparency is a must at all levels. Individuals must discuss matters among themselves before reaching to final conclusions. The departments must support each other in their work.
It is important to appreciate the ones who perform well. Those who do well must be admired in front of all to motivate them and expect the same from them every time. The management must make the non performers realize their mistakes and ask them to pull up their socks. They should not be criticized, instead dealt with patience and care. Give them opportunities but still if they don’t perform up to the mark, punish them.
Leaders should be more like mentors and must provide a sense of direction to the employees. They should bind the employees together and extract the best out of them. The superiors must be a source of inspiration for the subordinates.
Promote training programs to upgrade the skills of employees and help them face the challenges and changes in the organization with utmost determination. Plan your resources well.


Communication at Workplace

  • Communication plays an important role in the success and failure of an organization. The art of expressing one’s ideas and thoughts clearly is called as effective communication. Individuals need to communicate effectively at the workplace for better transparency and clarity. Not only effective communication helps in correct transfer of information but also in decision making.
  • Be very clear as to what you expect form your fellow workers. Mention all the details and do cross check whether the other person has noted it correctly or not. Do not expect the other person to understand everything on his own. Don’t blame him afterwards.
  • Avoid using derogatory sentences or foul words against anyone at the workplace. One should maintain the decorum of the organization. It is better to avoid people rather than fighting with them.
  • Employees should depend more on written modes of communication. Communicate through Emails as records are available even later on. The mails must be marked to all the related individuals with a cc to the superiors for them to know what is happening around. Make sure the mails are self explanatory. Don’t write colourful and casual mails.
  • Develop the habit of using planners, notepads and organizers. It is practically not possible for an individual to remember everything. One must note down important tasks against deadlines to avoid forgetting things. Be organized. Use a desktop calendar and keep it right in front of your eyes.
  • Never play with words. Don’t try to confuse the other person. Pass on the information in its desired form.
  • During meetings, seminars and presentations, don’t just speak for the front benchers. One must be audible even to the person sitting on the last row. Neither speak too fast nor too slow. Be confident while you speak. One should be loud and clear. Make sure you are understood by all.
  • Never use a fake accent at workplace. Be careful where to use the punctuation marks.
  • Employees must not enter meeting room or board room without pen and a notepad. Jot down your queries at one place and ask only when the other person has finished his speech or presentation.
  • Do not interfere when others are speaking. Let them first finish their conversation. Wait for your turn to speak.
  • One should never shout at the workplace. Shouting and conflicts spoil the ambience at the workplace. Handle the issues intelligently and a little diplomatically. Avoid arguing with anyone as it leads to no solution. It always pays to be soft-spoken at workplace.
  • While interacting over the phone, make sure you spell out the words for better clarity. Use simple words to denote alphabets like t as in tango, a as in alpha and so on. Chances of misunderstandings are very less in such cases.
  • Don’t chew anything while you are speaking over the phone. Avoid laughing or giggling.
  • Be a patient listener. Listen to what the second party has to say. Don’t jump to conclusions.
  • Be very careful about the content of your speech. Make sure your words do not hurt any of your fellow workers.


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