Tuesday 28 March 2017

Compensation Vs Remuneration?

Compensation is paid to the employee in case of death of employee, physical injury, or mentally suffered.
Remuneration is paid to the employee for the work done to the organisation
Payment of the compensation is compulsory only in case of the death of employee, injury or mentally suffered.
Remuneration is paid periodically to the employee on daily basis, weekly basis, fortnightly or monthly basis for the work done.
There is separate and dedicated law for payment of compensation.
There is separate and dedicated law for payment of compensation.
Payment of the Compensation to the employee is depended on the gravity of the injury he suffered but not according to the job position or job grade.
Remuneration of the employee depends on the position of the job or grade of the job with respect to organization hierarchy.
Payment of the compensation is one time settlement or for a certain period of time unitll employee recovers from suffering.
Payment of the remuneration is paid as long as the employee work for the organization starting from appointment to retirement
Payment of the Compensation varies from injury to injury suffered by the employee.
Payment of the Remuneration varies from job to job position held by the employee in the organization.
Payment of the compensation provision is same for all employees.
Payment of the remuneration provisions is different from job to job.
Generally payment of the compensation depends and varies from age of the employee.
Payment of the remuneration of the employee depends and varies from the job title, job position or job experience
There is no other name for the word employee compensation
Other names for employee remuneration are   wages or salaries.

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