Tuesday 21 March 2017

Difference between performance appraisal and job evaluation?

There are many differences between performance appraisal and job evaluation. Let us discuss them:
1) Performance appraisal is concerned with comparative merit of individuals. While job evaluation analysis the job not take into account the individual abilities of the job holder.
2) It considers the individual abilities while job evaluation considers the requirement of the job in terms of job specification and job description.
3) The purpose of performance appraisal is to take the decisions regarding the pay, transfer, promotion etc. while the purpose of job evaluation is to determine the worth of the job.
4) Performance appraisal rates the man not the job but job evaluation determines the relative worth of the job.
5) Performance appraisal helps in making decision like transfer or promotion while job evaluation helps in making decisions regarding wage policy.

Concept of performance appraisal?

Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation of the personality and performance of each employee by his supervisor or some other person who is trained in such task. It is the formal procedure to evaluate the contributions of the persons working in the organization and to get the necessary information regarding the employees. Generally it is done by the immediate superior or an independent appraiser. Thus it is a rating technique for comparing the individual employees in the work group, in terms of personal qualities or requirement of their respective job.

Objectives of performance appraisal?

There are mainly two objectives or aims of performance appraisal they are:
1) Administrative objectives
2) Self improvement objectives
1) Administrative objectives: these objectives are further divided into five parts
i) Promotion: it is one of the main aims of performance appraisal. It is beneficial for both the management and the employee to promote the employee to the place where they can show their abilities effectively.
ii) Transfer: in an organization the management has to take the decisions regarding the transfer of the employees which may be due to unsatisfactory performance of the employee or due to the economic conditions of the organization but these actions are suitable if they are based on the performance appraisal of the employees.
iii) Wage and salary administration: the performance appraisal reports helps in the wage and salary administration of the employees.
iv) Training and development: performance appraisal is helpful in finding out the employees who need training to do their job properly while it is also helpful in developing the employees for higher positions.
V) Personnel research: performance appraisal reports help the management in the personnel research and also to find out the reason of their performance.
2) Self improvement: the performance appraisal helps in finding out the abilities of the individual. It helps in human resource development and to prepare oneself for the particular job.

Concept of promotion and promotion policy?

Meaning of promotion:
Promotion means giving higher position to an employee with higher pay, higher status, and more responsibility. The purpose of the promotion is to employ the present employee to a higher post with higher responsibility rather than employing from the outside the organization.
There is the difference between up gradation and promotion. Up gradation means change in the pay of the employee without change in the job while promotion means change in the pay with the change in the job position of the employee.
Promotion policy
 It is the responsibility of the HR department to have an effective promotion policy. It should be in writing and must be understood by all the employees. For the success of the promotion policy the employee assessment should be done regularly and in an objective manner so that the employees must have faith in the promotion policy. Internal staff should be given a fair chance of promotion before filling the post through outside recruitment.
The promotion policy must consider merit, potential and seniority of the employees. The merit of the employee is judged by evaluating the performance of the employee the performance can be judged by regular performance appraisal. Next is the potential of the employee which means whether the employee is capable of doing the job or not. Then comes the seniority, which can be easily calculated by the length of the service of particular employee in the organization. But sometimes senior persons are not promoted in that case management must have suitable reason for it.

Job analysis and its aims?

Job analysis:
Job analysis is a systematic study of job, to know the kind of people to be employed for each job. it is the process of determining the knowledge, ability, attitude and skills required by the workers for successfully performing the job. Human resource planning is concerned with the manpower requirement both in terms of quantity as well as quality. Quantitative aspect means total number of workers required in a particular time period. While the qualitative aspect means the type of people required for doing the job. The process by which qualitative aspect is judged is called job analysis. 
Job description and job specification are the immediate products of job analysis. Job description consists of requirements of job and job specification means qualities demanded from the job holder. Job analysis further help in job evaluation which is concerned with determining the relative worth of various jobs.
Thus the emphasis of job analysis is determining the principal duties of a job, the nature of skill, aptitude required to perform these duties and relation of job to other jobs in the organization.
Aims of job analysis:
The aims of job analysis are to study the processes, simplify the methods, establishing time standards for doing the work, provide information regarding compensation and other benefits and improve the personnel activities like recruitment, selection, training, appraisal etc.

Importance or uses or benefits of job analysis?

Job analysis is an important component of human resource management system. It is the process of determining the type of person required to be employed for doing the job.
The importance or uses or benefits of job analysis are as follows:
1) Human resource planning: job analysis helps in human resource planning as job analysis is a qualitative aspect which means the type of people required for doing the job. it is the job analysis which helps in kind of job, qualification required and what an average person can do on a job in a day. Thus it helps in division of work which is an essential element for the human resource planning.
2) Recruitment and selection: to make an employment programme successful it is necessary to have a complete knowledge of job description (requirement of job) and job specification (requirement of job holder). Both of them help in the effective execution of the employment programme.
3) Placement: job analysis helps in proper placement of the employees as it helps in proper pacing of the employees as per their interest and abilities. Thus, a person is assigned to the job which is best fitted for him.
4) Training and development: the purpose of training and development is to help the employees in gaining the skill required for doing the job. This aim can be achieved successfully if the employees are aware of job description as well as the job specification which means they must be aware of what is expected from them. This helps in making the content of training and development effective.
5) Job evaluation: job evaluation is the process of determining the relative worth of various jobs which means the compensation of job. to calculate the worth of job description helps a lot.
6) Performance appraisal: to check the performance of the employees the actual work done by the employees is compared with the set standards. So here job analysis data can be used to establish the standards for every job.
7) Employee counseling: job analysis helps the employees in making career choices. Employees who are not able to cope with the present job are advised to opt for other job which is less demanding.
8) Job design: job analysis helps in designing as well as redesigning the job.
9) Organizational design: job analysis helps in effective organizational design by making balance between authority and responsibility.
10) Safety and health: job analysis helps in making proper measures to identify the unhealthy environment so corrective measures can be taken to ensure proper safety and avoid unhealthy conditions.


Contents of job specification?

Meaning or definition of Job specification:
Job specification is a document which describes the requirement of the job holder. It is the minimum acceptable human qualities which are required to perform the job. Job specification translates the job description into human qualifications and sometimes the level of performance required for successful completion of the job.
Contents of job specification
It generally includes the requirement of job holder which consists the following information:
1) The job grade title.
2) Age limit of the job holder.
3) Educational qualification of the job holder.
4) Mental abilities required by the job holder.
5) Experience of the job holder.
6) Skill required in operating the equipment.
7) Maturity, innovation and dependability of the job holder.
8) Leadership qualities if the job required it.




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