Wednesday 16 November 2016


 ACC TO FRANCIS AND SINCLAIR " Organisatinal change is an ongoing process of social construction that comparises spiral patterns of discursive change and re-structuring of collective barganing"

Nature Of Change

Change distrubs pld equlibrium.
Change affect whole organisation.
Change is a continous process.
Change in natural.
Change affect individual is the multiple role.

Need Of Change

Change in enviromental.
Change in managerial level- human resource.
Deficiency in present organisation.
Check the growth of inflexibility.

Goals of Change

Survival and Growth.
Organisational Development.
Mould and Modify the Behavioural Pattern.

Perspectives On Change

Enviromental Dependent Perspective
       Contingency perspective
       resources dependece perspective.
       Poplulation ecology perspective.
       Institutional perspective.
       Evaloutionary perspective.
Proces orinted Persspective
      Pattern in the change process.
      Impact on organisational identify.
      Impact on individuals.

Altenative Perspective
     Transrational/Spritual perspective.
      Vedic Scince perspective.

Targets Change

Human Resource.
Functional Resource.
Technology Capabilities.
Organisational Capabilities.

Planned And Unplanned Change

Stimulating Factor For Organisational Change

External Factor                                                              Internal Factor

Technology                                                     Change in Managerial Personel
Marketing Conditions                                   Change In Operative Personnel.
Social Change                                                Change in Employee expectations
Ploitical Change                                             Deficiences In Existing Structure.
Globilastion                                                    Change In work Climate.
work Force Diversity                                  
Changing In Economic Climate.

Procees Of Change

                                                                Problem Recogniation

                                                   Identifying The causes of problem

                                                         Implementation the Change

                                                  Genrating Motivation for change.

                                                     Managing The Transation State.

                                                          Supporting The Change.

                                                           Evaluating the change.

Imporatnce of Organisational Change

Exploit Traning and Development Opportunites.

Responding To chanllenges.

Improves organisational performance.

Acquisition of Political Customer.

Retention Of employee.

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