Friday 25 November 2016

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Industrial disputes are the disputes which arisedue to any disagreement in an industrial relation.Industrial relation involves various aspects ofinteractions between the employer and theemployees. In such relations whenever there is aclash of interest, it may result in dissatisfaction foreither of the parties involved and hence lead toindustrial disputes or conflicts. These disputes maytake various forms such as protests, strikes,demonstrations, lock-outs, retrenchment,
dismissal of workers, etc.
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides machineryfor peaceful resolution of disputes and to promoteharmonious relation between employers andworkers. The Act is a benign measure which seeksto pre-empt industrial tensions, provide themechanics of dispute resolutions and set up thenecessary infrastructure so that the energies of partners in production may not be dissipated incounter productive battles and assurance ofindustrial may create a congenial climate. The Actenumerates the contingencies when a strike orlock-out can be lawfully resorted to, when they canbe declared illegal or unlawful, conditions for layingoff, retrenching, discharging or dismissing aworkman, circumstances under which an industrialunit can be closed down and several other mattersrelated to industrial employees and employers.Under the Act various Authorities are establishedfor Investigation and settlement of industrial disputes.They are Works Committee; Conciliation Officers;Boards of Conciliation; Court of Inquiry; LabourTribunals; Industrial Tribunals and NationalTribunals.

"The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is the legislation for investigation and settlement of all industrial disputes."

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