Sunday 13 November 2016


Meaning of WPM
Acc to Davis " Participation is a mental and emotional involement of a person in a group situation contribute possitively towards the reaching of managerial decisions which affect their work"

Acc to Swtell " participation is any or all the processes by which employees other than managers contribute possitively towards the reaching of managerials decisions which affect their work"

Objective of WPM

  • 1) To increase productivity.
  • 2) To promote industrial democracy.
  • 3) To avoid conflict and friction.
  • 4) To improve communication.
  • 5) To encourage worker to accept responsbility.
  • 6) To provide psychological satisfication.
  • 7) To improve quality work life.

Form of WPM

  • 1) Collective Barganining.
  • 2) participation through satff or workes council.
  • 3) Joint management council and committees.
  • 4) Board representation.
  • 5) Participation through ownership.
  • 6) Participation through suggestion.
  • 7) Participation through quality circles.
  • 8) Participation through job enlargement and job enrichment.

  Level of WPM

  1. Informative Participation.
  2. Counsultative Participation.
  3. Associative Participation.
  4. Adminstrative Participation.
  5. Decisive Participation. 
   Schemes Of WPM

  1. Works Committee.
  2. Joint management Council.
  3. Joint Council.
  4. Unit Council.
  5. Shop Council.
  6. Plant Council.
  7. Board Level Council. 
Importance Of WPM

  1. Increase organisation balance.
  2. Reduce misunderstanding.
  3. Reduce industrial unrest.
  4. Development of individuals.
  5. Higher productivity.
  6. Support industrial democracy.
  7. Restore human dignity.
  8. Reduce resistance to change.

Limitations Of WPM

  1. Technological and organisational complexity.
  2. lack of awareness in employees.
  3. secracy of participative situation.
  4. involvement of trade unions in politicking.
  5. Unwillingness of the employers.

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