Monday 14 November 2016

Performance Appraisal Objective and Quetionaire



To study the process and to understand the importance of Performance Management System in NHPC that synchronizes the performance of the employees so as to make the work effective.

To analyze the Performance Management System of NHPC in detail and its effectiveness.
To analyze the problems faced by the appraisee and the appraiser in this system.
To analyze the steps taken by the appraisers for the improvement of the performances of the appraisees.

1. Are you satisfied with the present performance appraisal system (E-map)?

(a) Yes [        ]                                            (b) No [          ]

If No than why …………………………..

Do you think the present system is effective / better than the previous appraisal system?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Do you think the e-map system reduces biasness?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
As an appraisee do you face any problem while selecting the KRAs?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Does your appraiser helps you in selecting the KRAs?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Do you think the present list of KRAs cover all aspect of your job?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Do you think the part B of e-map system should be transparent to an appraisee?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Do you get any formal feedback regarding your performance?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
Are any steps taken to improve the performance if not upto the mark?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [
10. Do you find these steps effective / useful in your job?

(a) Yes [
(b) No [

51 | P a g e

11. As an appraiser what problem do you face ?




12. Suggestion as an appraisee



13. Suggestion as an appraiser



Name :                ……………………………

Designation :    ……………………………


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