Sunday 13 November 2016


Meaning of Labour Turn over

Labour turn over means the percentage of change in the labourforce in an organisation.

"Labour turnover refers to the number of worker left during the period in relation to the average number of workers employeed during the period.

It refers to the rate of displacement of labour employed in an organisation.

Acc to Mitchell " Employee turnover is the gross movement of worker in and out of       employement with respect to a given company"

Acc to Price  " Employee turnover is the ratio of the organisational memebers who have left during the period being considered divided by average number of people in that organisation during the periods"

Type of labour Turnover

  1. Seasonal Turnover.
  2. Responsbility Turnover.
  3. Mass Exouds.
Method calculating Labour turnover

  • Accession Method
 Turnover  = Total no. of employees acquired/average no. of employees during the year*100

  • Seperation Method
Turnover  = Total seperations durings the year/avg no of employee*100

  • Combined Method
Turnover   = (Accession+seperation)/2/avg no of employee*100

  • Replaceement Method 
Turnover  = Total accession-total seperation/avg no of employee*100

Causes of Labour Turnover

  1. Personel Causes.
  2. Unavoidable Causes.
  3. Avoidable Causes.
Effect Labour Turnover 

  1. Loss To Employees.
  2. Loss to Employers.
Steps to minimise labour turnover 

  • Exit turnover.
  • Job analysis and evalouation.
  • Scientific system of recruitment,placement and promotion.
  • Enlightend Attitude of management.
  1. Framing services rules.
  2. Facilities to workers.
  3. Procedures.
  •  Use of committee
  • Adequate statistical control.
Advantage of Labour Turnover

  1. Arrival of new/ fresh talent.
  2. Keeps other employees on their toes.
  3. Gets ridd of troublesome employees. 
Issues and challenges of labour turnover

  1. Cost
  2. Time.
  3. Team Dynamics.
  4. Productivity.
  5. continuity.

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